I am currently a first-year PhD student in Heriot-Watt University advised by Ahmed H. Elsheikh. Before that, I obtained the Bachelor degree in Robot Engineering from Guangzhou University in June 2023. I completed my thesis on driving perception in the Intelligent Vehicle Laboratory, advised by Prof. Jinhua Zhang. I have also interned the Institute of System Rheology, closely working with Prof. Xue-Feng Yuan for over two years.

Research Interests

I am generally interested in Reinforcement Learning (RL) and their application to Robotics.

  • World Models
  • Multi-task Learning
  • Uncertainty Quantification


MobiP: A Lightweight model for Driving Perception using MobileNet
Minghui Ye, Jinhua Zhang*
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 2023. [Paper] [code]

A general deep learning method for computing molecular parameters of viscoelastic constitutive model by solving an inverse problem
Minghui Ye, Yuanqi Fan, Xue-Feng Yuan*
Polymers 2023. [Paper] [code]

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages Python, C, MATLAB, LATEX
  • Robotics Hardware ABB IRB 1600, Arduino, Raspberry Pi
  • Machine Learning Jax, PyTorch

Honors and Awards

  • Fully-funded PhD Scholarship in Heriot-Watt University
  • The Third prize in 12th National College Students Mathematics Competition
  • The Second-class Scholarship in Guangzhou University, twice
  • Guangzhou University Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Award

Extracurricular Activity

Presentation at the 20th National Conference on Physical Gas Dynamics
Gave presentation on the work "inverse learning method for computing molecular parameters of viscoelastic constitutive model"

Sub-reviewer at The 32nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
Helped the professor review two papers on the topic of machine learning

Last updated: 07/07/2024